“I have noticed a remarkable difference in my health.
I have been able to reduce my medications - and am getting better sleep, feeling less stress, and the ability to focus better. I have also lost weight (weight gain dogged me for 7 years!) and lab work showed reduced inflammation.”
Sharon L. Williams, LCSW from VA
“I was skeptical … but I’m a believer! This is truly a remarkable product. I rubbed CBD cream on my thumb several times on a particular day when I was truly suffering. I was skeptical about if it would work but I woke up the following morning pain free!!!! I’m a believer!.”
Ruthann Wilson, RN from MA
"What an amazing transformation!
Berthe came into foster with unaddressed anxiousness and an obsessive behavior pattern of light and shadow chasing. It was so bad she was jumping up on walls to catch reflections of passing cars and unable to rest at night. It was extremely difficult to get her to settle- any reflection and she was off - crazed and chasing. We decided to try CBD in hopes that we could calm her enough to redirect when the behavior patterns presented. Truthfully, I thought Bert might need to go on a medication that would have been vet prescribed, but thought it was worth trying CBD before going the medication route. Luckily, within 2 weeks of starting the CBD, Berthe became much more manageable in her episodes. She was visibly calmer and much easier to redirect. Fast forward to 4 months later and we rarely need to use the CBD and are able to easily redirect the behaviors. It's an incredible transformation considering that 4 months ago she was literally climbing walls to chase reflections.
Thank you, Michele
Kathy Yeo from VT
"Life is so much better and less of a challenge! I thank you for consulting with us and connecting us with Hemp Flower Extract to help my husband who sees people and things that aren’t there. When we talked in March of this year Jim was experiencing episodes several times a day sometimes lasting for one and a half hours each.
Since April 4 Jim has had zero of these experiences. We just traveled to Michigan for a high school reunion and people commented on how much better Jim was since our last trip one year ago.
I feel less stressed and know we can do more social activities together. We can also have more meaningful conversations.
Life is so much better and less of a challenge!
Thank you too for being so readily available to guide me when I have questions. "
Janice Prochaska PhD from CA
“I have learned so much from coaching with Holly Bidlack. She has helped me grow in many ways. Holly has a passion for helping others be the best version of their self, which is crystal clear!
Holly believed in me, when I didn’t believe in myself. She has guided me to get out of my comfort zone. With her mentorship, I have done things that I couldn’t foresee myself doing.
I do not like public speaking, because it has always caused me to feel quite anxious. Holly helped me by encouraging me to “share from my chair” which wasn’t as stressful. Then she encouraged me to share via zoom and by going live on social media. It all became a little more comfortable over time. I even spoke briefly at a corporate event with over 30 people and used a microphone for the first time! These steps, which Holly encouraged me to utilize, have helped me grow personally and professionally!
While I still get nervous about speaking in front of groups, I know that I am capable of it, and I’m much more comfortable doing it now. I attribute this to Holly’s coaching. She has helped me remain accountable to my goals, stay on task and has taught me many things about growth and mindset!
I know that I am a better version of myself because of being coached by Holly. In my experience, coaching with Holly was invaluable. I would absolutely recommend Holly as a coach or mentor!”
Shannyn Mason, RN from FL
“Juggling 3 jobs, family, elderly parents and all the things thrown at you in life can be overwhelming. It’s hard to give each domain in your life the proper attention needed.
My commissioned based business has stayed status quo, so basically minimal growth, for the last 3 years. Over the past 3 months I had scheduled meetings and checkins with Holly. We kicked off with our first meeting making a game plan.
We looked closely at what I was presently doing and not doing, we made goals for personal develpment, professional goals and basically fine tune my vision.
Learning to plan today for tomorrow, having a mentor to hold me accountable, and understanding the law of attraction has quickly built a team for my business.
Holly has also given my a sense of focus to make the most out of my day, to give each area my best and lastly, making me aware that I’m an important piece of this puzzle too.”
Christine Duross, Mom from MA
“Thank you Holly Bidlack and Michele Morris for leading, teaching, listening and inspiring me. Your compassion for helping others has truly taught me what sharing our gifts really means. It is a joy to work along side you both and call you my friends.”
Marilou White, Health Coach from MA
More to come ...
Clients are so happy!